My boyfriend can't last longer than a minute and I can't cum with him

To make a long story short, my boyfriend moved our sophomore year of HS and we've been long distance since then, but he'll be moving back next year. Anyway, I'd say we've been seriously sexually active for about a year now, but have only had PIG sex 7/8 times because of the limited time we have together. Regardless of whether or not I make him cum before sex and then wait a little to actually do it, he still only lasts for 2 minutes MAX (normally only a minute). Sure, I enjoy it, but it's too short for me to actually really feel anything. He's aware of how quickly he cums and he feels bad about it so I really don't know if I can do/say anything. 

Also, I can't seem to cum when with him. I think he expects me to be able to cum way more quickly than I actually would (even though I've told him it can take upwards of 10 minutes). He'll finger me for 5 or so minutes and it'll feel good, but I don't get that close to having an orgasm. He'll eat me out for 2/3 minutes but it just isn't long enough. I make him cum a lot so it kind of makes me feel like shit because I can't tell if he just isn't trying hard enough or if there's something wrong with me. We had sex with no foreplay a few days ago and he came quickly so I was expecting him to try to do a little something for me but he just pulled his pants back up and didn't touch me again, and I started crying for some reason. It was really strange and I don't know why I got so emotional but I just want to experience it with him and it just doesn't seem like it's working. I'm not blaming him, I guess it could be my fault too.

Any advice?