baby River is here!

Ok a little late but here is my birth story: I was scheduled to be induced on 2/21 at 7:30 am due to gestational diabetes, and positive for strep b. That would put me at 39 weeks, and since I was in ore term labor twice I swore I was having him earlier than that. Well nope- he didn't want out!!! So I came to terms that I wasn't meeting him until then and just because very prepared lol. The night before induction my husband had some freak out moments of becoming a dad (I have a 14 1/2 that he is a great "dad" to but this is his first that will call him "dad" etc) so I told him to go talk to his mom and calm down and I just watched tv until 12:45 am! Knowing I needed sleep before my alarm at 5 am I went to bed and my husband joined and hugged me and said we r having a baby tomorrow. So I woke up to pee at 2:45 and my water broke. My husband jumped and and tried putting everything into the car etc so I had to calm him down lol. I showered, ate and wrapped up a few things and got to the hospital at 5 am. I was having contractions but they weren't very painful. Triage said I was dialed to 3 and 80 % effaced so we just talked and updated our families. I was told they would bring me up to labor and I was hoping to have my baby by noon. We got wheeled upstairs and at that point I asked for an epidural now that I was feeling the pain vs just the contraction. Theychecked me and I was 8 1/2- they had to call my dr because he was just coming in for my induction. At that point I wanted the epidural now- so they came in and tried...... as the nurses couldn't get my iv in (strep b) and they didn't have time to get blood etc. dr walked in and I started pushing 6 min after getting into the room. I pushed twice and dr said the cord was wrapped around his neck twice and the nicu team was in the room waiting (diabetes, strep and now heart rate) so dr said he can use forceps if I ok it to help keep him down. So I said yes, two more pushes and less than 30 seconds later he was born! River Jayden was 7lb 10 oz (really big for our family) and 20 1/2 inches long! (Newborns don't fit length wise alreasy) he is doing well, didn't appear to get strep b, his blood sugar was great and his heart was good! Our rainbow baby is here and it's so amazing. My epidural kicked in to deliver the placenta lol. So sorry for the long story but there it is! I loved sharing our journeys together and this app really helped me thru my difficult pregnancy! Loved hearing everyone's story's and seeing their precious babies etc.