This has not been fun!

Rebecca • Happily married to my best friend; mom to a 6 and 4 year old…trying for a girl this time!
I am so happy and blessed to be pregnant; we tried for 15 months and this is our first.  
But things have not been the best since about 6+3. 
I had posted a week ago about the er trip and subchorionic hemorrhage.  I haven't had any more bleeding since then which I am thankful for but the morning sickness has come with a vengeance!
I was back in the er again yesterday. This time for dehydration due to the nonstop episodes of throwing up for several hours.  My OB wants to see me today so I have an appt in two hours.  I'm nervous.  I have a sonogram already scheduled for Thursday but I'm hoping they do one today to check on the hemorrhage and cysts. 
I am trying so hard to be thankful and joyful but this is rough!!