possible cheating boyfriend

So my good friend came to me last night and she asked me for advice, last night she was on her phone and she got a direct message on Instagram from a female she didn't know but her boyfriend knows her. The girl had told her that her boyfriend had been talking to her and that she thought she should know. My friend asked for proof so she could have some when she brought up to her boyfriend but the girl blocked her without sending proof. She confronted her boyfriend about it and he denies talking to her....she also told me this isn't the first time it's happened before. My question is what do you think she should do? I've told her to leave because she doesn't someone like that in her life 
UPDATE: my friend was able to get proof that her boyfriend had been anything but faithful. He ha been cheating on her from the moment they got together until this morning when she broke up with him. She thanks all of you ladies for your advice