Healthy Baby POST-NEXPLANON. Any Stories???

Aaliyah • 24, Mother of 1 baby girl, Keilani ❤
I'm always seeing posts about how women couldn't concieve immediately (first cycle or 2) or miscarried after Nexplanon. It kinda gets my hopes down a little.. I only had mine for exactly 2yrs so I'm hoping that it may not have affected my body as severely as it has done others who had theirs longer. I'm currently on CD3. My first since I got the implant out Jan 31st. I told 2 different doctors (1 that gave me my removal consultation and the other that performed my removal surgery) about my concerns of miscarrying due to the BC and they basically said that that was nothing I had to worry about since I'm in my early 20s. The Dr who performed the removal even warned me of how I would be extra fertile the first 2wks after removal but I just wanted to be cautious and wait for AF and a fresh uterine lining. I'm sure there have to be plenty of success stories out there and was wondering if any of you could share yours... Did you get pregnant soon after Nexplanon and were you able to carry to full term with a beautiful healthy baby?