Safe to fly at 32/33 weeks?

At 32/33 weeks pregnant , I will be flying my 2 year old daughter and I across the country to meet her father's family for the first time. For 2 years his family has been wanting to meet her, but because of financial problems we have been unable to go. Currently, I'm at a place in my life where I'm financially able and not only that but his younger brother will be graduating from college the same weekend, which is family will be throwing a huge party/celebration for him, so it'll be the perfect opportunity for us to go and meet everyone at one time. My daughter also has a sister, who is pretty much the same age as her, who we've never seen (other than pictures/videos of) so I'm looking forward to getting pictures of them playing together. So my question is is it safe to fly that late in pregnancy? The trip is a month away and I'll be 32/33 weeks when we go and I hate to book my flight this early and not have it refunded if I can't make it due to my pregnancy...