
My daughter spits up constantly inbetween feedings. I talked to her doctor about it, and she says it's normal for a baby this age to spit up a lot. But I feel like she spits up more than she should. She has gained 5 pounds since she was born. It's putting a strain on my relationship because my boyfriend says it's not normal that she spits up and whines so much. He says he wants to work 7 days a week so he doesn't have to be around the whiney baby that spits up so much. What's everyone's opinions on if something is going on with her or not? Should I go to a different doctor? I tried feeding her less to see if I was over feeding and that didn't work. I tried burping between oz and that didn't work. I don't know what else to do. Is there something wrong or is this normal. Please help so I can help my baby and so my relationship doesn't crumble.