For teen single mums 👶🏻👶🏻

Evie • 💗 Baby Girl 💗
I first fell pregnant with my first baby at 15, I found out on the 28th of August that I was 2/3 weeks pregnant 😁 That night, I decided to tell the farther that I was pregnant with his baby, a soon as I told him... he left me because I was going to be an embarrassment to him ☹️ From then on, I've been going through this pregnancy by myself. Obviously, with support from family members and carers... but it didn't feel the same without the farther being there ☹️ When I scroll through this website and look through people's posts, there really are some inspirational woman here that are teen mums... single and going through pregnancy alone! I support you 1000%! As I'm in your situation as well. Even though I turned 16 in October... 
 Today, I'm now 30 weeks pregnant exactly! 💗 I can't wait to meet my little girl!! It feels like it's been ages since I found out I was pregnant, now I don't have to wait much longer to finally meet her! To all teen mums out there that are facing this alone without their partners, I support you and find you all inspirational! ☺️☺️