interested or not?

I met a guy a few weeks ago. We slept together on the second date. Hung out like 5 days straight and then things died out because he was transitioning into a new job and I was moving into a new place. We both were super busy. He contacted me again a few weeks later and we hung out and he apologized for not contacting me sooner. I spent all weekend with him. He took me out to eat multiple times and the movies, zoo... Ect. He asked me to do all of these things with him. I never made the first move on plans. After the weekend was over I went home on Sunday. Before I left he asked me what I was doing the rest of the day. But I didn't really hear from him after I got home. We texted a little bit but not much. He might have been using me for sex but he didn't have to do all of those things since we've already had sex before...He would make little comments and in public act as if we were an item. I am confused if I should go for it or back off...