Baby Gasping for Air Occasionally


Hey all (sorry in adv. for the novel),

My baby boy is 8 weeks old. For the last few weeks he has randomly been doing this thing where he gasps and flails his arms out and looks terrified and grunts a bit after. It last about 3 seconds and he is fine. The gasp sounds like if you've been held under water and come up to catch your breath. I notice it seems like when he's straining to poop/fart and he spits up alot of times before/during/after. It doesn't happen every day, and is only once or twice in a day. He seems perfectly happy and healthy. Well tonight he fell asleep at the breast (and still nursing. This boy can multi-task) and woke up with a start, gasping. He did it 3 times in succession and turned red for a moment. Lasted less than 10 secs but scared the sh*t out of me. Does this happen to anyone else? If he does it like that again I'm going to the ER. Def gonna call his Ped in the morning as well. Thanks!