What do I do about this...

My son is 7 months old. I was on my way to my friend's a couple days ago and I heard him getting mad at something in the backseat, but I didn't think anything of it because he has started fighting with his onesies and he was making the same noise.

So I got to my friend's and I went to get him, and he had pulled both the straps of his carseat out of the latch that you use to tighten it in the back, and both straps were hanging in front of him. He was only being held in by the latch in between his legs.

I got in and got the straps back in right and looked at the instructions to see if I missed something the first time, but I know I didn't. The carseat isn't even a year old. Should I tell the company so they know that kids might be able to do that or is this normal from babies?