I had my babygirl,2-17-17


So, I had my little girl!! In labor 4 hours, recorded my first contraction at 4:37pm, had Laihla Marie, at 8:36pm. It was too late for the Epidural when I got to the hospital, so 3 pushes, Laihla Marie Randall, 6pounds 3 oz was born, 18inches.my water broke at home during a contraction. I had to have the episiotomy, and I lost a lot of blood, but I'm healing, and pumping the boobies. She's doing SOOOO great! My hubby and I of 7years, are happier than ever before!! And luckier than we ever could have imagined! Thank you God for all of my blessings!!

What's crazy, OK so my birthday is August 17th, my 10 year olds birthday is December 17th, and my newborn's birthday is February 17th!!!! Is that pure luck. And neither of my daughter's were planned for that date.