Advice Needed

I hate to seem like one of those needy women that try to turn nothing into something but I'm curious.

My hubby and I have never tried to avoid pregnancy wejust dont really try hardto make a baby more like if it happens it just does. He's on the road a lot but the past 2 months our schedules have been crazy with me working and goingto school and him on the road we havent had a chance to bd since dec 17th and I ovulated that day. For the past week and a half ivebeen nauseated and mybreast are sore tothe touch and that never happens. dont really have an appetite and I get random headaches I thought it was a virus at first but I feel fine. I had a period in jan and Feb due for another any day now. I keep reading about break through bleeding and women who had a period their first trimester and the entire pregnancy. Im wondering if its possible for me to still be pregnant or am I just looking for signs. If thats the case how would I confirm that other than an obgyn