Trump and his amazing healthcare solution

Lily • 💕20 and pregnant with our first baby! I'm a bit of a princess at times💕
So I remember seeing a post where a lot of people were complaining now about Obamacare and were anticipating Trump's new plan for healthcare which he discussed vaguely (as he did most things) during his campaign. 
He said EVERYONE would be covered, "even the lower 25%" and who would pay for it? "The government" but...
Low and behold - today America got their answer!
"Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated" - Trump.
He basically gave up and has said everyone will have ACCESS to healthcare... If they can pay for it. 
So, all the Trump supporters - feeling lied to?
Everyone else - do you have a plan as to how you'll take care of yourself?
I don't live in America (UK NHS all the way!) so I don't really understand the impact it'll have. How do you feel?

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