39 weeks 2 days


She is here 39 weeks in 2days water slightly broke then i woke up my husband came to the hospital they said water didnt break but i was for sure in labor in was 5cm dilated then they check me 30mins later 8cm i only got the epidural because i throw up in that hurted more than my contractions so i gave in, plus they kept sticking me in didnt find a vein so that was more pain. Then i got the epidural things slow sown a little lol but i wasnt in pain so i didnt care lol came in at 5:10am had her at 9:11am 4hrs of labor about 7mins of pushing it was amazingly quick.

P.s. i did take castor oil twice two different days i drank pineapple juice walk 3 miles in went to work the whole time also i got my membrane sweep she is 7pds in 8oz beyond heathy as can be. God is good ALL THE TIME

My husband has been soooo great im so bless to have him, i poop on myself about 4 or 5 times each time he clean me up he didnt even bother the nurse he just care for me in wanted me comfortable, omg he did so good couldnt help but cry how bless i am. My due date was March 5th but now i have a Feb baby.