Vivid Dreaming- So Much For First Trimester Funk

Alright, it's been a while since I've posted in here, I don't have internet at our new house which makes it tough. Anyways, I'm 12 weeks and 4 days today and yesterday we went to the OBGYN and got to hear our baby's heartbeat, it was 168-170bpm 😳😳 sounds like a girl to me- I want a boy but that's okay. Lol
The real point of this post is because I was just SOOOO excited to be almost out of the first trimester, to get past this fatigued and nausea. BUT, another ugly symptom has reared its head, vivid dreaming. I mean CMON. Anybody else having this issue? At first it wasn't so bad, just weird dreams about fictional things like vampires or whatever; or dreams about me getting in fights. Just weird dreams I wasn't use to, BUT THEYRE GETTING WORSE. I mean, I fell asleep after my fiancé left for work like I normally do, and had a dream I can't even talk about to anybody. So, so much for end of first trimester funk, these vivid dreams are going to kick my butt. Anybody else?