We found out the gender :)

B e A m * • ⚽️ #1 Jul 17 🌷#2 Mar 20 🚗 #3 Feb 24
Finally went to my long-awaited 20-week scan today and found out we're having a healthy baby boy :) I didn't really have preference for the baby's gender as it's my first child.
Although I haven't met my Raphael, I'm already so in love with him <3 Can't wait to hold him in July! 20 weeks to go! :)
One surprising thing I learned from the sonographer today was I have anterior placenta and it's kinda blocking my cervix, meaning that I might not be able to give birth vaginally as I would like. I'll have to have another scan at 36 weeks to see if the placenta moves higher. This was a total surprise to me because I've been feeling the baby move pretty constantly and from 15 weeks, which is quite early, considering that I'm a first time mom. Hopefully the placenta will move away from my cervix so I can give birth the way I want. 
But the best thing was to see my baby move and to know that he's healthy :) :) :) I'm so blessed <3