Today is the day...

Today is the day I found out I have herpes type 1. I don't know what to do with myself. I feel gross and discusting. I feel like I'm alone and I have no one who understands. The guy I'm seeing was fine with it this morning telling me it would be okay but now it's changed. "You should of said something earlier and before we did anything." "I guess the sex was more important to you than being honest with me." Is what he kept telling me. I feel horrible as it it but when the guy said he didn't have anything I thought that meant I was clean and didn't have to say anything about it... Well I guess I was wrong... I feel like complete shit about myself and can't stop beating myself up about it. I found out my dad has them as well and I thought talking to him would make things better but it's not. I just wish that Terrance would understand that I didn't mean to keep anything from him I just didn't know what to do... And I still don't. I know that I'm stuck like this forever but it feels like I'll never be able to have a normal relationship with anyone, and that I stand out like a sore thumb and that I don't belong anymore. I understand it could be worse but I'm 19.. I'm still young and I feel like my life is pretty much over.:/