Trying to understand my body after birth control


Hello ladies! I've tried this post in a couple places already as well as other baby websites. I just need answers/opinions. 

After 4 years of marriage, my husband and I have decided to try for a baby! (yay!) i stopped taking but my birth control mid pack on February 10th and (had about 12 left until the placebo pills) immediately started what I'm assuming was my withdrawal bleed on February 13th. On my bc, my periods lasted usually about 3-4 days but this withdrawal bleed lasted about 6 days which is what how long my regular periods were before starting bc almost 6 years ago. Since my withdrawal period I've continued cramping as well as unusually wet and frequently have CM (cervical mucus) (cervical mucus) when I wipe. I think more than anything, the extended period (going back to being a regular length period) right away is confusing me more than anything. 

Is it possible that I had already began ovulating and can immediately get pregnant sooner than later?