Bed rest.... A pregnant moms worst nightmare


I am current 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my beautiful baby girl Annabelle. At work two days ago (I'm a bartender), I was running around like a mad person, while talking to a guest I ran to the bathroom and collapsed on the ground in pain. I somehow stumbled into my managers office where they told me they believed I was having true contractions and needed to go to the hospital right away. My boyfriend walked in to work 5 minutes later and we immediately set out.

The pain was Nothing like I imagined contractions to be. It was excruciating and desperately painful.

We got to the hospital where they immediately admitted us to triage in the labor and delivery. Put me on a monitor to watch Annabelle's heartbeat and watch for contractions. Within a 30 minute period of being on the monitors I had 4 contractrions. They immediately started an IV, my ob came in a checked my cervix.. Not dilated thank GOSH, And gave me a shot to stop the labor. They also gave me steroids to speed up her lung growth In case she decides to come early.

End result is that I've been placed on strict bed rest for 6 weeks (until I'm 32 weeks along), so as to keep Annabelle cooking a bit Longer.

And they have me taking medicine to calm my uterus.

Any other mommies out there on bed rest?? How do you handle the long boring days,and lack of income? My boyfriend is still working of course and we live together but I was to contribute somehow. I feel useless. HELP