I dont feel like myself 😔

ABIGAIL • Mommy to 3 lil boys👦👦👶
Has anyone been feeling weird during their pregnancy, i love icecream and junk good ,but with this pregnancy i crave fruit and veggies sooooo much and i can't even eat burgers or steak, grilled chicken or chicken burgers with out getting nauseous like i just want to barf😔anything dairy or even almond milk gives me heart burn and the runs (tmi) i guess its for the best ,ive only gained 5 pounds 😕 but i just look fat ,im 21 weeks and i dont even have a round tummy (im overweight btw) im 5'3 and weight 205 😑😑 this will be my 3rd baby boy and idk i didn't experience this kinda symptoms with my last pregnancies 🙁 i seriously want a fruit cup right now 😣😢😢