Anyone else lose weight while pregnant?


Not the typical to lose weight while pregnant I guess ! I started at a heavier weight than what I wanted , but I'm comfortable with myself now . Dr said I'm good to lose a little more . Eating healthy is the way to go 🙂 Here's my 18 week bump 
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I lost 13 pounds at the beginning of my pregnancy. I started at 212 prepregnancy. Got down to 198-199 and now I weigh 206 and am 25 weeks (: my doctor said its completely normal since I was a little heavier.


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I lost weight my first trimester and then gained a total of 25 pounds during the end of my pregnancy. I lost it all by 9 days pp and an additional 20 pounds by 1 month pp. I look better now than before I was pregnant. My doctor had no concers with my weight loss.  


❤️ • Mar 3, 2017
Yay! I feel like that's going to be same for me , thankfully


Posted at
I'm pretty sure I've lost weight. I haven't been weighing myself but due to nausea I've been hardly able to eat and everyone's saying I look skinnier The first one was from 6 weeks obviously lol and the second one was the other day at 16 weeks and a few days


Posted at
I've lost 8 pounds so far...


❤️ • Mar 3, 2017
Omg me too lol


jo • Mar 3, 2017
yeah, lucky you! lol. I'm ready for it to be over already 😂


❤️ • Mar 3, 2017
Yay!! That's awesome . I am 18 weeks , almost half way thankfully


Posted at
With my first pregnancy I was overweight and lost 18 pounds in the first trimester and now sure how much I ended up gaining after that. But enough that they were surprised a 6 pound baby was all that came out of me. 😂 I went on a weight loss journey about a year after I gave birth and lost 65 pounds. This pregnancy I started at 175 pounds, I lost 4 pounds by 9 weeks because I was so sick but now at 14 weeks I usually weigh 178 and have been at that weight since 11 weeks.


Posted at
I was a 166 when I became pregnant. I Lost 23 and just gained back 1.7. My OBG says its fine and not to worry. I'm feeling better I think losing some weight.


❤️ • Mar 3, 2017
I wish that would happen to me hahah


Sh • Mar 3, 2017
well we thought 17 weeks but now I'm possibly 21.


❤️ • Mar 3, 2017
How far along are you ?