So this ones late but thought I'd share

So this ones late but thought I'd share.
The day before my due date 6/1/17 I went to my midwife appointment and was told my baby hadn't grown for two weeks (it would happen at the one appointment baby's daddy didn't attend). After many tears from me and a panicky phone call from the midwife to my hospital I was asked to go into hospital the next day (my due date). I was also told to pack a bag incase the hospital decided to induce me.
At the growth scan we discovered my placenta had begun to calcify and they needed to get little man out ASAP. They gave me a check downstairs and then took a load of bloods, inserted a strange band filled with cervix softening hormones into me (my cervix was high and completely closed), and told me it would be atleast 24 hours until it worked then around 12 hours in l&d.
About 4 hours later they told baby's dad he was best going home for the night to sleep ready for baby's big arrival. So about 2 hours later about 11pm I say goodnight to baby's dad on the phone, 3 minutes after hanging up I get my first contraction, but was it a long time before the next one? Nope. They were 3 minutes apart from the first contraction.
Went to the midwife barely managing to walk and told her I was having contractions, she hooked me up to a monitor which told me I wasn't, didn't believe me and gave me a speech in front of the ward about how I obviously have a stupidly low pain threshold then told me to get a bath to ease the pain. Hobbled to bathroom had bath, couldn't get out of bath for an hour plus due to contractions. After getting out and telling midwife I was still having contractions and her acting stupid I lay in hospital bed crying every contraction made me push feet up against beds footrest which was broken as they got stronger, biting lip to avoid crying keeping people awake, eventually given diamorphine to make me sleep, then bitch midwife went on break, cover midwife checks me to reassure me and what do you know I'm actually 7cm dilated and rushed into l&d two doors down. Phoned baby's dad and my mum and told them to get there now, arriving in l&d I was told it was time to push.
Problem was due to diamorphone kicking in I was falling asleep between pushes and couldn't push hard enough, which put the baby in distress, the midwife had to cut my pperinium as my muscle wouldn't stretch enough for the baby's head, the relief of warm water gushing on me when my waters broke was amazing, it took the sting away just a little. After about 4 hours and a cut open vagina my little boy was born and they placed him on me while his daddy cut the cord. I was still drowsy on diamorphone. I sat wondering why my baby looked like Casper, until they cleaned him up and I realised he didn't. He was born at 6.28am, absolutely perfect. People say you forget the pain of Labour, you don't. But they're worth every soul crushing second. 
Oh and I had to apologise to midwife after for shouting at her calling her a sadistic bitch and also for screaming "can everyone get their hands out my fucking vagina"
Good times!
Good luck everyone x