Boyfriends Parents HATE me.

I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half now and his parents have never liked me. Ever since they met me they have tried to convince him to leave me because I'm not good enough for him. A few months back his father called me up on the phone saying that I'll never see him again. Get a new boyfriend because I'm not going to let you see him, you are a stupid, dumb bitch and he can do so much better than you. I broke down in tears and I couldn't get a hold of my boyfriend because his dad had taken his phone away to stop him from contacting me. Long story short. My boyfriend knocked on my door a few hours later because his dad was threatening to kick him out if he goes out with me ect. Just so you know I did absolutely nothing to provoke this. I am a polite kid, brought up respecting people and there beliefs. I have never once said a nasty word to them or anything. No matter how many times they have tried to tear my boyfriend and I apart. We recently moved out of home in search for work in another state and are currently staying with his long time family friends. His mother is constantly telling him on the phone that he needs to leave me, I'm only bringing him down. She's stupid, go get a prettier girlfriend ect.. We've even heard her on the phone to her best friend. The people we are staying with both botching and taking the piss out of me. My boyfriend loves me very much and the feeling is mutral. He has told his parents that he loves me and respects them, but he's not going to stop seeing you because he loves and wants a future with me. I'm sorry this is so long. I just don't know how to deal with his parents anymore I've been any thing but bad to them or his son. I don't know what I did wrong. I feel worthless and hurt because of how they view me as a person. I really care what they think about me no matter how much they hurt. My boyfriend knows I am hurt and he has tried to talk to them, but nothing. Does anyone have any adcvice for me or anything. Because of his parents his whole family, who u haven't meant are saying negative things about me and it hurts because they don't even know me.