3 hour glucose test with hypermesis

I've had hypermesis since about 8 weeks, this Thursday I'll be 28 weeks. 3 nights of vomitting blood, and 2 hospital stays later, and I'm just ready to have my girl here already! 
I was told by the receptionist at my doctors office that I'll need the 3 hour test, and she THINKS I have to fast. Taking my one hour test was difficult enough. It gave me heartburn for 2 days, and of course, I puked blood. I'm thinking I have an intolerance to red dyes or some esophageal issues. Now I'm terrified that the 3 hour test on an empty stomach will cause me to faint, or start puking blood to the point of it interfering with my pregnancy. 
Did your doctor tell you that you could have eggs and water, or absolutely nothing? I'm thinking that having something on my stomach will help, but I don't want to screw up my test also. Has anyone with severe morning sickness taken the 3 hour? What was your experience like, just looking for some advice.