Placenta Previa

Ann • After TTC for 15 months, a PCOS diagnosis, and 3 rounds of clomid, I have a beautiful little girl. Pregnant again and due in February 2021!
My baby is not even born and starting panics!
I've been having spotting on and off all weekend. I initially shook it off because my cervix is sensitive and it was very light pink. However, by Sunday it was getting a little heavy and darker pink. By this morning, it was red.
I'm trying (and failing) not to panic. I call the doctor and they have me come in.
Ultrasound shows my baby chilling out in its placenta and gives me a nice few kicks.
I'm diagnosed with partial placenta previa (the placenta is partially blocking the cervix and causing bleeding) and told to be on pelvic rest until my 20 week scan (sorry hubby!).
Moral of the story? Go with your gut. If you feel like something is wrong, call your doctor!