anatomy ultrasound

I went for anatomy ultrasound at,which I thought was 18wks but then turn out to be 20wks. They tech didn't speak much, didn't guide me through anything, she just took a million pictures and then asked me if I wanted to know the sex, I told her yes, and she told me it was a girl. I was so happy, but she didn't even show me in the screen where she can the baby's genital. Plus baby was so stubborn that it wouldn't move, she tried to get a better look at the baby by making my move to my side. Gave me a couple of pictures of the baby and I left. Now that was about two weeks ago, my friends show me the ultrasound of their babies and they got a shot of the baby's genital, which made me doubt if this woman was even correct at her answer. In my genetic testing, they said it was so early that they can't tell the sex. Have any of you ladies went through this issue?