Mia Dalani 💕

Just wanted to share my birth story :)
First off I am 25 yrs old and this is my 5th pregnancy. I miscarried twice before my son was born ( he's 5 now) and once after my son. So I was considered a high risk pregnancy. 
My due date was February 1, 2015 but due to preeclampsia I went into preterm labor at 29 weeks 5 days. I had just left the Drs office to be checked and I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced! I get home and start having pressure and spotting :( I was worried so I went to the hospital and they monitored me and Mia and told me I was in preterm labor and my sac was leaking! They were able to were able to safely stop my contractions and said that if the sac broke completely I would have to deliver the baby. A few weeks later I go back to the hospital and I'm in preterm labor again and I'm still only 1 cm but I'm leaking again! This time I'm 33 weeks and 1 day. After being on the monitor for 32 hours they were able to stop my contractions and the leaking again. So I go home on strict bedrest. I go back to the dr for my 36 week check up and my BP is high and I'm now almost 3 cm. The dr was concerned about my BP so she scheduled my appointments for every 3 days to come check my BP and told me to monitor at home as well ( I had developed preeclampsia) After a couple weeks of consistently high BP my dr decided to induce me if by my 38 week appt my levels weren't back to normal. January 20, 2015 I go in for my appointment and sure enough my BP was the highest it had been (145/100) and I was still only 2.5 cm but 90% Effaced so she sent me directly to L&D to be induced. I get to the hospital and my water breaks as I am walking up to get checked in! They get me hooked up to the monitors, start the pitocin and I have a mini seizure :( once I stabilized they started me on magnesium sulfate to prevent any more seizures. After 13 hours I was fully dilated and ready to deliver! 
Mia Dalani made her grand entrance at 5:06 am 1/21/2015 and weighed a healthy 7lbs 9.2 oz and was 19.5 inches long!