long distance relationship

my boyfriend and i have been together since the beginning of our sophomore year in highschool, now we're in our second semester as juniors. we are in different schools, so to an extent we understand some of the hardships that come with not seeing ur SO often. we're also going thru those phases of looking and picking colleges to apply to. our interests in majors and college courses are different, so we like to be a little realistic and keep in mind that we may not go to the same college. another factor: he wants to stay in state and close to home and his family. i wouldnt mind staying close to home but i'd prefer to go out of the state. if not that, at least a program to go abroad a semester or two. having considered all that, we've both come to the conclusion that we may have to try and maintain a long distance relationship during college. 
i love him (please do not give me any BS about being too young to love or know what love is; i believe anyone of any age can fall in love), and i do want to try it and hopefully we can make it thru, but lately i've been pushing back the feelings in my heart and trying to think even more realistically. i've told him this many times already, and he tells me he loves me, that he doesnt wanna be with anyone but me, and that he strongly believes we can make it thru anything as long as we wanna be together and we just try. part of me thinks and feels the same way he does, but another part of me feels that in the end, a long distance relationship will not end well for us.
so i'm torn. i dont know whether to just wait it out and see what happens, or to end things before they even get complicated..i dont want to break up with him, i really i dont..i cry just thinking about it..but i also dont wanna carry out both of our feelings for each other even longer with the risk of a more painful heart break if we break up in college rather than now..