No shoes, dirty shirt, little hope


I was at the park with my daughter Abigail. We just finished eating dinner. I'm complaining of a full belly. I notice this homeless man pacing pack and forth with no shoes on. I'm kind of afraid to approach him because I don't want to offend him. I asked him if he had any shoes and he said no. I was wearing flip flops I just bought and I asked him to try them on. He did and they fit him. I told him to keep them and went about my business. I have plenty of shoes at home. I know how blessed I am and if I could help someone else out in any way, I will. A small random act of kindness can change someone's entire day. I hope I did just that. I'd love to hear your random act of kindness story if you have one. With so much negativity in this world, it's nice to hear about good things for once. (Wasn't sure which room to post this in)