Just a thought


It kills me that my other half and I have been trying for so long to have a child and it's not happening, and yet we are trying to do everything right - although i know we aren't perfect.

But... everyone we know who smokes and does things they shouldn't be doing, pops kids out without caring or even trying so to speak.

This one guy had 3 sets of twins, never pays child support, abuses one of his kids for being honest to the cops, steals from people - identity, $, items, & is currently in jail for numerous things that he's done.

another person whose been on welfare, got caught for doing narcotics, has a kid. I asked him aren't you scared that you got caught, don't you think it's not worth losing everything and you should stop? And he replied no. The couple continues to do what they do. He doesn't have a job. They get their heat/water etc turned off all the time. But their priority is to make sure they can still do their habit.

I think good guys finish last :p