Fiancé at boot camp... and I'm pregnant

My fiancé and I just recently got engaged (march 1st) but we've been together for 3 years. He enlisted into the marine corps about August 2016 but with his MOS (intelligence) the soonest they would send him to boot camp is march 6, 2017 (yesterday). Well we always talked about having a baby and getting married and we especially planned on being married before he joins the fleet so that was never an issue we actually have a very happy healthy relationship. He's literally my bestfriend (cliche right?) we found out I was pregnant Christmas Day and we're over the moon with joy! This whole experience has been so beautiful but we said our goodbyes on Sunday march 5th and I have been a mess ever since 😔 this is so hard and I wasn't prepared for it. I knew it'd be hard but I just didn't realize just how painful this would be. It's only day 2 and my heart just hurts. I've already been writing him letters and journaling and that honestly helps so much. But as soon as I'm not writing it's back to feeling lonely and so sad. I feel guilty because our baby doesn't deserve to be feeling the sadness and I try so hard to snap out of it but idk its not easy. I have my good moments where I actually feel pretty normal but there's triggers that just break me down. I'm really just writing this to vent and don't expect anyone to read through it but if you do and if you can relate or have words of encouragement or wisdom or prayer I would appreciate it.. praying these 3 months fly by.