Am I overreacting?

My husbands friends have always invited both of us out to stuff for as long as we've known them. Movies, dinner, etc. then they usually come back to the house for video games or card games. Every time my husband goes over there for guy time, their mom always invites me over for dinner and to hang out for a bit after. His friends are 24 and 26. We always get along and laugh and I thought they actually liked me and liked being around me. Well about 2 months ago they started only inviting him to stuff. I love marvel and DC  movies and have always gone with them to see them. They want to go see Logan this week and only invited him. When he asked if I could go they just said "yeah that's cool". When he invited them out to go grab dinner and see a movie and few weeks ago with us his friend said my husband could join him and his friend and brother for dinner then they could all go after. When my husband told him he meant me too and didn't want to come unless I could as well because we both had been planning on going out to do that that night, he simply said oh well maybe we can just do games at my house tomorrow instead. Just my husband going over for video games. Dinner time came and my husband came home, he told them it was because he didn't want to make me eat dinner alone because he had been working at dinner time all week and had work the next day so it would be the only day we actually got to eat together. Instead of inviting me to dinner, they just said ok and he came home. This has been going on for weeks now. If I offer to cook his friends say no we will just go get food and then they leave to go eat and I stay home. I feel like they don't want me around anymore and this has me upset. The friend that is doing this is supposed to be The Godfather of our baby, we haven't told him we are pregnant yet, but how can we make him godfather if he avoids me. He would have to be able to be around me and my family for me to feel comfortable naming him godfather. It just really has me upset and wondering what I did that made them not want to be around me anymore. Do you think I'm overreacting? Or does this totally sound like they are avoiding me?

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