boyfriend and titties☺️

Chloe • Just a curly fry trying to be a normal fry
So I have inverted nipples and they get "erect" (lol) whenever they are cold or touched right when they are out of my bra then a few secound a later they go back in 
-anyways! My boyfriend and I where having sex the other day and I had always been super self conscious about my nipples so I would always keep my bra or shirt on during sex but this time he grabbed my hands and said listen we have been dating to long for you not to show me so I let him see and he looked at me and said your beautiful and your boobs are beautiful then went on to playing with them and sucking them☺️💜 
This made me so happy and he is the most wonderful guy ever we truly care about each other and trust each other and I am so happy that he accepts me for who I am and that i don't have to body of a Barbie doll 😂💜