not controversial. sorry

hi ladies. i know i'm breaking god know how many rules right now (anonymity, posting in the wrong group), however it's for what i hope is considered a legitimate reason and i wished to reach a larger crowd. with that being said, if you're just going to comment negative things/attack/whatever, i kindly ask that you  just ex out now and keep scrolling. not a big deal if you don't want to deal with this post, but don't waste your time commenting something that won't help either of us out, especially if it's about how i'm breaking rules (which i already clearly addressed & highly expecting this post to be taken down eventually). anyway, down to business. 
when my brother was 4, he was diagnosed with psoriasis, which is a skin disorder in which your skin cells continue to uncontrollably replicate and create patches all over your body. in kindergarten, he started chemo as it had worsened. he had such a small body that he was put on the lowest dosage possible, so the chances of him experiences the side effects with chemo (like mood change, loss of hair, etc.) weren't as likely to occur. he was chemo free for a couple years, as it had worked. but now, 6 years later, it's back and worse than before. he started chemo at the beginning of this week and the side effects are already blatantly noticeable. 
al i ask is for prayers if you're religious and/or keeping my family in your thoughts if you're not. totally not a big deal if neither (because once again this is obviously the wrong group), but like i said, i thought the more people that read maybe the better. 
anyway if you got this far, thank you. and if you choose to keep my family in your thoughts, thank you even more. that is all. continue on with your day.