Go Fund Me for deportation deleted


A Go Fund Me was set up for a teen who faces deportation.

This student is an immigrant who has been here since he was five and was legally allowed to stay. However, that protection from deportation was stripped when he was arrested for stealing almost $3000 from the Harris Teeter where he worked.

He has not been convicted and says that he did not steal anything, that his job there doesn't even give him access to money, making that kind of theft impossible, and that it was somebody else ( likely a co-worker ) who stole the money.

The Go Fund Me is set up to pay legal fees. However, it was reported, removed, and all the money (3,000 dollars) was refunded to those who donated.

How do you feel about all this? I don't think somebody should be deported for a crime they are not convicted of, and think that the Go Fund Me was perfectly fine where it was.

EDIT: I am NOT asking if you think he did it, whether you think the police had just cause, etc. but if you agree or disagree with deportation for a crime you have not been convicted for, and whether Go Fund Me overstepped their bounds in the matter.