A little late on posting but he's finally here!!

Jacqueline • Mama of 5 •V💛 V💙 C💙 R💙 C💙•

Castiel Rufino born 03/02/2017. We just can't get enough of him! Sorry for too much pictures and long story.

My birth story: I went to my doctor's appointment on 03/01 being 40 weeks, she had checked me but I hadn't dilated at all so she decided she would call me later on or the next day with a date to get induced. I went home decided to start on dinner as the evening went on I started to get back pain and what I thought were braxton Hicks (since they were too far apart). By 9pm, I had put our boys to bed and got their clothes for school ready. Around 10:30pm, I told my husband I was going to bed, he told me the baby is coming tonight so I'm gonna stay up and finish up cleaning (mind you our house wasn't even dirty he also got the nesting instinct and has ocd). I ended up waking up around 3:30am needing to use the bathroom afterwards I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. I was starting to feel the contractions and let my husband know it might be time. He started calling family to come watch our boys but nobody was answering just our luck, his brother answered and he showed up at 4:15am, the hospital is about a 12 minute ride so when we finally got there at 4:30am, they checked me to see if they should send me up. The nurse thought I was around 5-6 cm dilated but turns out I was 8cm already. So upstairs they take us and I decided to go natural since I was already so close and I was able to handle that pain still. The nurse did a lot of poking in my arms trying to get IV in but couldn't because my veins were tiny she said. We did some walking in the halls and then some bouncing on the birth ball while my husband massaged my back every time I got a contraction which really helped. Finally I had the urge to push but my water hadn't broken yet so the midwife decided to do it but every time she tried she couldn't so she had to get some help from a nurse. Now this is where my contractions intensified once my water broke, I felt like I couldn't do it anymore and every time I pushed I felt like I wasn't progressing, the midwife had me squat down on the bed holding on to this bar and push... But that didn't last long since I got a cramp on my leg, through all this what was going through my head was "What the hell was I thinking going natural, I feel like I'm gonna die". My husband kept encouraging and trying to help me hold my legs but at this point the midwife didn't help she just got on my nerves once she told my husband "NOT to help me, I had to hold my legs on my own" I still made my husband hold my legs. Finally what seem like endless pushing and something that I thought I couldn't do anymore Castiel made his entrance at 6:37am with no tear or stitches. He by far has been my biggest baby weighing 7 lbs 12 1/2 oz and 20 1/2 inch long. We are so in love and his brothers' are ecstatic having him here now.