What would you do?

Hey Ladies,
I've been reading this group and learning about your experiences has been a real comfort to me the last few days! I have just had a misscarrige.. (Currently spotting so hoping it's now coming to an end). I'm 21 and my OH 22, it was our first pregnancy and we thought I was 9 weeks, I started bleeding and went for emergency scan to show the 'sac' was only measuring 4 weeks.. It was heartbreaking! I had blood tests to confirm and my levels dropped significantly after I passed what I believed to be the sac.. I am having more bloods next week and hoping my levels will be next to nothing, so I can put this behind me! (Not in a bad way, but I just want closure). 
In myself I am feeling completely fine, just missing that 'pregnant' feeling.. Me and my OH are desperate for a baby together and want to start TTC asap! I've heard of people starting as soon as the bleeding stops and getting pregnant straight away, does this cause harm to your body or baby? My doctor advised waiting for 1 AF as to start off on a clean state.. But people have told me this is just for dating purposes? I would love to, and I feel ready to start straight away.. But if there's a medical reason as to why I shouldn't, please let me know!! What would you do? Or what are you doing? Any experiences and advise is greatly appreciated!!! Sending you all baby dust and hoping everyone had their rainbow babies soon 🙏💕 lots of love xxxx