Help! Vasa Previa

So im currently 31wks 3days and i had a fetal assesment yesturday and the doctor found a bool vessel in my cervix that may or may not be my babies bloood vessel. So i went in today again to have another ultrasound and they are still not sure if its his blood vessel or mine.. to keep this short, if it is my sons blood vessel i would have to have an emergency C-section to save him. This condition is called vasa previa and any prwgnant woman who is diagnosed with this has a 50% chance of the baby surviving. This condition is rare and only affects 1 out of 2000 pregnant woman.. so if theirs anyone out their that has been in this situation or give me advice it would really help. Im having another ultrasound done on the 23rd so i dont want to go out of my mind for a week. Also, any religuous wonen out their, please keep my baby boy (matthew lee) in your prayers... thank you