I got a positive home test on February 22, making me 4 weeks

I got a positive home test on February 22, making me 4 weeks. I thought oh wow this is early. Last Thursday i spent the entire day at the hospital having excruciating pain. An ultrasound showed a 5 week sack in my uterus and something in my right tube. Not sure if it was a cyst or an ectopic they went it laparoscopically to see. When I woke up was told I had an ectopic pregnancy removed. I've been recovering from all the pain associated with the surgery because they took my right tube. We were told that I had the ectopic and that what was in my uterus was most likely just hormones mimicking a pregnancy. The odds of having both was crazy. I went home to heal and to grieve.
​1 week later I found myself in the ER again because of the overwhelming pain I was having and some pretty intense nausea. The doctor wanted to give me a CAT scan to make sure there was no blood clot or anything causing the pain. I said ok but something in my head said what about the sack? No one ever explained to me what would happen with that. My new doctor was very curious so she ordered an ultrasound first. She explained that the odds of there being anything there were very rare but she just wanted to be sure.
What are the odds... 1 in 30,000...
I have had what is called a Heterotopic Pregnancy meaning I dropped 2 eggs, one implanted in my tube and one in my uterus. I did lose the baby in my tube but I have a 6 week baby with a strong heartbeat snuggled into my uterus. Twins... I would have had twins... 😬
My mind has been rushing. I'm so thankful I asked questions before I just did what the doctor wanted. I never imagined that there would have been or could have been a second baby. After all the grief we have some joy. We are looking forward to holding this sweet miracle baby in 34 weeks.