I am 19 years old and currently 21 weeks pregnant with identical twin boys (still in shock haha) and I'm so in love with them already. After finding out that I was having twins, I was immediately referred to a speacialist because the midwives at my local hospital don't deliver twins because they are high risk.
Talking to my specialist was very nerve wrecking because I had to discuss what i may have to do when I give birth. I always wanted to just go with it, if I wanted pain relief then I will get it, if I wanted to go in the birthing pool, I will, but now odds are I will have a c section, totally fine with me because whatever is best for my babies, I will do. 
What I am trying to say is, having a c section or pain relief does not make me any less of a mother, and it truly makes me feel like shit when some women on this app put down other women because they didn't do it all natural. It's just sad to me that women do that.