relationship advice

my bf & I got together in Nov. he was kinda iffy on getting with me bc i have 3 kids, he has 0. I'm 23, he's 22. obviously I understand why he was iffy 22 with no kids, has the rest of his life with him... anyways, we ended up getting together & he's been so good with my kids, helps me wake up in the middle of the night, makes us breakfast & dinners & plays with them (we both do breakfast & dinners & house chores just thought it was cute he goes out of his way to do that for my kids) ANYWAYS, my kids are 5.5, 3 & 2. they can definitely be a handful sometimes & I sometimes feel like it's pulling him away, like 2nd guessing us. then on top of that I feel like I annoy him or piss him off easily too, I feel like I could say something wrong (not in the right tone of voice by accident) & then he's mad at me the rest of the day... I just think he doesn't want to be with us & if I ask him about it he gets mad at me for thinking that. idk what else to do to make him happy. I've been telling him to stop waking up with the kids bc they're mine so that way he can sleep, I've been doing ALL of the house chores so he can relax bc i feel like he's just stressed out. I also feel like he's maybe embarrassed to be with a girl with 3 kids, bc he doesn't like taking pictures with me or as stupid as it sounds he won't even make it fb official lol says he "hates" social media but he did it with his other 2 girlfriends. maybe I'm just over thinking... advice please?