partner has another baby due

So I got with my partner and two weeks before he slept with his little boys mum says it was a mistake but carnt take it back few weeks later tells me she is pregnant then I find out I was pregnant my self but I lost my baby she is now getting induced tomorrow and I am really scared as he is going to be their for her labour I am currently pregnant my self naily 14 weeks he says he loves me and we have are baby to look forward to he doesn't spend any time with her or any thing apart from when he gets his little boy should I be worried or am I been stupid they have never been in a together or anything like that but he also wouldn't tell he that he has a girlfriend and she is pregnant until she had the baby because he doesn't want to stress her out I am so scared and worried bout the hole labour thing am I been silly and emtionations getting better of me or do I have a right to be like this .