On Monday night I was having pretty severe stomach and back pains. I'm a first time mom so I really wasn't sure about it. Well, it got worse and started lasting for longer periods so I got worried. Called my doctors after hours # where they told me to drink water, shift positions and if it got predictable to go to ER... If it didn't get better, to call my OB the next morning. Fast forward to morning... I'm a teacher and I just don't call in unless I'm seriously unable to make it. I'll go to work long enough for a sub to come in instead of just not going. So, I head to work. Tell my boss what's going on and that I was going to call my OB when they opened and see what he says. So I call and he told me to come in to check out me and baby. Y'all, FEAR. It was such a scary few hours. We went in and got an ultrasound where our baby was measuring fine, getting enough blood and oxygen, placenta was good and my cervix was still closed. I'm only 19 weeks so I really didn't think it could be Braxton hicks but that's exactly what it is. My stomach literally tightens up to where it's rock hard and stays that way for an amount of time. My advice- go to the doctor if you are worried ever! My doctor thanked me for coming in and calling because you never know! Sometimes something that COULD be abnormal is not, but something that could also be what you think is "normal" is not.