Mixed Emotions?

Anon because I'm a little embarrassed I feel this way to be honest.

We tried for this baby, and we love it so much. But sometimes, I sit here, and I get very depressed just thinking about being a mother. I wanted a baby and after a few miscarriages it didn't seem possible. Now, I'm almost done with my pregnancy and I'm starting to get anxiety. What if I can't take the sleep deprivation? I feel so selfish, I just feel like I sometimes don't want motherhood. My mom or family will start talking about the baby and I just want to change the subject. Sometimes it just makes me uncomfortable. But yet I am totally excited at the same time! We schedule extra ultrasounds to watch his growth and I love seeing him. ...

I guess these are just hormones. But I just needed to vent, and maybe some other mom can reassure me that this feeling goes away?