
Rosemary • 23 Alexander 💙 12/09/17 Bump ❤️💙? Due 29/11/18
Fucking crying on my bedroom floor cause im pissed off. I dont have a job at the moment and found im pregnant. Been doing courses, everything. In the UK it just seema impossible to get work unless you know people or you are under 18 as they can be paid illegally cash in hand. 
I just got a sofa. A nice one. Inly a few marks.. i needed it cause my old leather one has started to become painful or uncomfortable to sit on. 
Ive done the best i could with the money i had. My boyfriend comes feom a family where they all worked, he had a mom and a dad. He got a car at 17. And just has experience because of whi his dad is and where his brother works. Hea just putting me down be ause its not brand new and doesnt fit his expectations. Yet atm hes inly brought one thing for the flat and it is for himself. Im struggling as it is. Hes not getting a lot f work atm but if he actually helped t would be better. 
Its a decent sofa and will see me theough for a while and will at least be comfier for me. He doesnt even sit on the sofa because he sits in his expensive gaming chair he got last christmas. 
It just winds me up that i do my best and i get put down. I cant handle it right now. Just broken down. If i could do better I would. He's been to friends houses where it is a shit hole but doesnt say shit to them. Just sits in it. My stuff may be second hand and not brand new, but i make it look nice because i was brought up not to appreciate money but to learn to live with what I can afford and have.