Move to exclusively pumping or stick it out?

So I went to see a breastfeeding specialist this past week. After doing a weight test before and after nursing was saw that baby only gets about 2 oz from me. She is 5 weeks. Still hungry after that (weight gain has been super slow thats why i was referred). It was suggested i work on production so i am taking various supplements. I am nursing about 40min total offering both breasts then doing 2oz via bottle. Also pumping 5min to help with production. By the time all of this is done...burping...diaper change and all feeding it had been about 90 min. Basically an hour later we are repeating the process. Im wondering if it would be better to just move to exclusively pumping and doing all bottle feeding because she is inefficient at nursing and i dont have enough to give her anyway. Suggestions? Thoughts?