holly maternity pants 👖!

Ladies, go get your maternity pants! Now! I cannot believe I waited this long (20 weeks). They are unbelievably comfortable. I didn't realize that the pant fabric stopped right under your pelvic bone and then stretchy material starts to cover up to your bra (you can fold over if you want to). This makes ALL the difference in the world!
 I was wearing pull-up jeans until today, but that is not the same! The jeans would end and "cut" my stomach right at the navel making it look like a B when i sat down, and besides not looking great with tight shirts they also were starting to get uncomfortable. I also have the belly band which worked okay with my unbuttoned and unzipped work pants, but again couldn't wear right shirts bc it added bulk only to my lower mid section. No more! lol 😂 I feel like I just discovered America.Â