Any advice?

 I came off birth control last may and am not ttc yet but trying to get ready to in a couple of months.
When I came off the pill my cycles were alternating between normal and long each time (normal being between 30-35 day cycles and long being around 45 days)
I read that red clover blossom tea can help regulate cycles and reduce cyclic acne (which I suffer from) so I started drinking 2x daily along with taking 2 red raspberry leaf capsules.
This was 2 months ago (immediately after a cycle of 33 days) and my 2 cycles since have been 32 and 30 days (I have AF now CD 2). I was initially happy as it seemed to work (also seen mild improvement in skin) but the 2 periods I've had since I started have been just 2 days and light with slight spotting a day either side (before was still only 3-4 days and liggt)
I don't know whether to continue or stop the tea as I don't want to do more harm than good? I haven't been tracking bbt or oaks as not ttc yet but am starting this cycle, I have just been tracking cm and cp so far.
Any advice for irregular cycles in general or experiences with red clover or raspberry leaf would be appreciated as I'm very confused!