"it's only porn - at least he's not cheating on you."

Being married to a sex addict - porn is very destructive in our marriage and for my husband's well being. The first year of our marriage he would watch porn in secret and masturbate 3-5 times a day and then didn't want to have sex with me. 
I was crushed and blamed myself. 
We both got therapy and he went to SAA. 
Our relationship is 100% better now that he doesn't engage in pornography and has done the work to disengage from that lifestyle. We started over and appreciate each other much more. 
Porn was a drug for him. 
Please realize that this is the case for some women and you never know their situation. 
"Watch it with him." No thanks my grandpa molested me while playing rape porn. 
So to some it's a big deal when their SO/DH watch porn. 
Just thought I'd put it out there because a lot of women get bashed for posting that it bothers them. 
Some men can watch it and have a healthy relationship - just like non alcoholics can drink and have a good time - but an alcohol for an alcoholic is detrimental.